
Testosterone and HGH therapy can bring what the body does not provide, e.g, it can treat age-related declined cognitive capacity.

Aging is associated with well-recognized alterations in brain function, some of which are reflected in cognitive decline. While less appreciated, there is also considerable evidence of socioemotional changes later in life, some of which are beneficial.

Thinking, Memory, and Sex Hormones

Memory and the way we process information is called cognition. Cognitive ability describes how well you can remember and concentrate. This includes how you manage to do more than one task at the same time.

As we age, the amount of sex hormones in the body is lowered. These hormones are estrogen and progesterone in women and testosterone in men.

Low levels of sex hormones can sometimes cause symptoms like changes to memory, difficulty thinking, and problems with concentration. It may be possible to have hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to control these symptoms.

Testosterone and Cognitive Capacity

Testosterone is produced mainly in Leydig cells of testes in males, and in ovaries in females. In both, testosterone can be synthesized in the adrenal gland cortex.

Higher testosterone levels in midlife have been linked to better preservation of tissue in some parts of the brain. And in older men, higher testosterone levels have been associated with better performance on cognitive tests.

Testosterone influences the brain via organizational and activational effects. Numerous relevant studies on rodents and a few on humans focusing on specific behavioral and cognitive parameters have been published.

In several studies, men with low testosterone invariably perform below normal on tests for verbal fluency, visuospatial ability, memory, executive function, and attention. Studies have shown that testosterone replacement in men with Low-T improves cognitive functions and memory recall.

Testosterone has the following beneficial effects on the brain:

  • mood;
  • vitality;
  • sexual desire;
  • social behavior;
  • communication;
  • cognition;
  • memory;
  • problem-solving;
  • creativity.

The Cognitive Function Trial of the Testosterone Trials is one of the largest placebo-controlled studies conducted to date on the effects of testosterone supplements and their effect on cognition in men with Low-T. The trial detected a clinically significant improvement in verbal and memory performance in men on testosterone supplementation.

Growth Hormone and Cognitive Function

When you have low levels of HGH, mental health can suffer in numerous ways including:

  • Feeling of foggy-headedness or in a daze
  • Difficulty shutting off the mind and falling asleep at night
  • Waking up groggy or tired
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Inability to focus attention on more than one thing at a time
  • Impaired mental processing and calculations
  • Memory lapses and forgetfulness
  • Feelings of depression
  • Increased anxiety, restlessness, irritability, and stress
  • Mood swings, sadness, crying for no apparent reason
  • Socially isolating oneself from others

Investigators reported that study participants (including both healthy participants and those with mild cognitive impairment) that took growth hormone-releasing hormone showed improvements in executive function — primarily in areas of planning, focus, and selective attention.

A once-a-day injection of a hormone-stimulating drug could help improve cognitive function in both healthy older people and those who have mild cognitive impairment (MCI), according to a new study by University of Washington researchers.

Study participants who gave themselves a daily shot of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) for 20 weeks showed improvement on tests to measure executive function and verbal memory.

The findings, published in the Aug. 6 online edition of the Archives of Neurology, might sound as if researchers found a way to slow the ravages of aging.

Benefits of HGH for Cognitive Abilities

HGH increases protease inhibitors that prevent apoptosis (cellular death) of brain cells associated with aging.

Human growth hormone promotes neurogenesis – the growth of new brain cells – for neuroprotective benefits on the brain (extremely helpful in cases of traumatic brain injury and opiate abuse).

HGH helps renew dendrite connections crucial for communication between neurons in the brain.
Growth hormone aids in the elimination of free radicals that activate proteases (damaging enzymes) that cause cellular death.

Studies have shown impairment in memory and cognitive functioning in patients with growth hormone deficiency. The use of HGH for mental health and cognitive decline provides the following well-tested benefits:

  • better concentration;
  • improved cognitive functions;
  • sharper and faster memory recall;
  • faster processing speed;
  • enhanced verbal learning;
  • increased focus;
  • improved mental calculations.

It is clear that the brain needs HGH as much, if not more, than the rest of the body. Since HGH receptors cells can be found on tissues throughout the body and brain, a deficiency can lead to widespread problems. Treatment with HGH therapy can replace what the body does not provide.

If you’ve got more certain questions concerning the HGH therapy for cognitive function, please contact us.

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